I guess that is fair: How the efforts of other customers influence buyer price fairness perceptions


I guess that is fair: How the efforts of other customers influence buyer price fairness perceptions


Past research has demonstrated that consumers' price fairness judgments are influenced by comparisons between the offer price they receive and the prices paid by other consumers for the same product offering. In today's digital age, reference points for purchases are more prevalent than ever. However, investigations on how certain inputs of the transaction affect these judgments is lacking. Specifically, extant research has failed to account for how the purchase efforts of other consumers can influence one's own price fairness evaluations. Moreover, relatively little empirical research has endeavored to understand the simultaneous cognitive and affective processes that explain how consumers arrive at price fairness judgments. To address these gaps in the literature, we introduce two studies aimed at understanding the process through which the salient efforts of referent consumers serve to mitigate perceptions of price unfairness when two customers pay different prices for the same product. The findings support a dual‐process model whereby the efforts of other (referent) customers serve to simultaneously reduce buyer anger and increase buyer understanding of the price disparity, ultimately mitigating perceptions of price unfairness.

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Citation Info

Lastner, M. M., Fennell, P., Folse, J. A. G., Rice, D. H., & Porter, M. (2019). I guess that is fair: How the efforts of other customers influence buyer price fairness perceptions. Psychology & Marketing, 36(7), 700–715.




“I guess that is fair: How the efforts of other customers influence buyer price fairness perceptions,” Outstanding Faculty Publications, accessed October 5, 2024, https://facpub.library.fresnostate.edu.fsdigitalhumanities.com/items/show/92.