On the accuracy of random phase approximation for dynamical structure factors in cold atomic gases


On the accuracy of random phase approximation for dynamical structure factors in cold atomic gases


Many-body physics poses one of the greatest challenges to science in the 21st century. Still more daunting is the problem of accurately calculating the properties of quantum many-body systems in the strongly correlated regime. Cold atomic gases provide an excellent test ground, for both experimentalists and theorists, to study the exotic and sometimes counterintuitive behavior of quantum many-body problems. Of particular interest is the appearance of collective excitations in these systems, such as the famous Goldstone mode and the elusive Higgs mode. It is particularly important to assess the robustness of theoretical and computational techniques to study such excitations. We build on the unprecedented opportunity provided by the fact that, in some cases, exact numerical predictions can be obtained through quantum Monte Carlo. We use these predictions to assess the accuracy of the Random Phase Approximation, which is widely considered to be a method of choice for the study of the collective excitations in a cold atomic Fermi gas modeled with a Fermi–Hubbard Hamiltonian. We found good agreement between the two methodologies for the dynamic properties, particularly for the position of the Goldstone mode. We also explored the possibility of using a renormalized, effective potential in place of the physical potential. We determined that using a renormalized potential is likely too simplistic a method for improving the accuracy of generalized Random Phase Approximation and that a more sophisticated approach is needed.

Fresno State author




Citation Info

Kelly, P., & Vitali, E. (2021). On the accuracy of random phase approximation for dynamical structure factors in cold atomic gases. Atoms, 9(4), 88. https://doi.org/10.3390/atoms9040088




“On the accuracy of random phase approximation for dynamical structure factors in cold atomic gases,” Outstanding Faculty Publications, accessed October 5, 2024, https://facpub.library.fresnostate.edu.fsdigitalhumanities.com/items/show/309.