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Public opinion regarding genetic control of infectious disease vectors such as mosquitoes varies in part because the underlying risk and benefit perceptions about novel gene editing and genetic engineering (GE) techniques are multi-faceted. We…

Background: Yoga is a popular alternative to walking, but the tempo at which asanas must be performed to elicit comparable metabolic and cardiorespiratory demands is unknown. Therefore, the authors aim to compare the metabolic demands of…

This article documents the design and implementation of a culturally responsive critical media literacies curriculum centered around media representations of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). Students (grades 6-8) were invited to discuss media…

Cohesionless soils such as sandy or silty soils are more susceptible to landslides, slope failures, and erosion in comparison with cohesive soils containing clayey fraction. While vegetation roots are known to provide erosion resistance, shear…

Measuring specific purpose orientations in working adults
The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a scale designed to measure specific purpose orientations among adults. Following literature review, a pool of items was developed and pilot tested with a convenience sample of adults recruited…

This article addresses the existing gap in the literature by proposing a new measure of nationalism across multiple states in ECE. Using ISSP data from 1995 to 2013 and Mokken scale analysis, I create a set of nationalism indices that account for the…

This discussion centers on two desiderata: the role of measurement in information-gathering and physical interaction in scientific practice. By taking inspiration from van Fraassen’s (2008) view, we present a methodological account of perspectival…

A scholar of the Machiavelli’s Art of war hardly thinks of comparing it to Sunzi bingfa, due to the radical diversity between a text placed in a precise and well-known historical context (Machiavelli) and of strong thought, and another (Sunzi bingfa)…

Using the setting of chaebol industrial organizations in Korea, which allows for the study of a unique affiliation between a chaebol group and financial analysts, we examine whether investors react to an optimistic bias in affiliated analysts’…

Yosemite National Park, California, is one of the best-documented sites of historical rockfalls and other rock slope failures; however, past work shows that this record does not capture the infrequent largest occurrences, prehistoric events orders of…

Sharps et al Magic in House of Rain-1.jpg
Certain peoples of the American Southwest plant turkey feathers in their fields, mystically intended to attract rain. Farther south, the wild turkey represents the rain god Tlaloc, whose dwelling beneath the vast American deserts is still, in places,…

Gives new life to Machiavelli’s thought by exploring the influence of his ideas on contemporary American politics and popular culture

Examines an undeniable and persistent fascination with Machiavelli in almost all fields of popular…

Low-density spreading codes for NOMA systems and a Gaussian separability-based design
Improved low-density spreading (LDS) code designs based on the Gaussian separability criterion are conceived. We show that the bit error rate (BER) hinges not only on the minimum distance criterion, but also on the average Gaussian separability…

In this letter, we investigate the sequence estimation problem of faster-than-Nyquist (FTN) signaling as a promising approach for increasing spectral efficiency (SE) in future communication systems. In doing so, we exploit the concept of Gaussian…

Randa Jarrar is a fearless voice of dissent who has been called “politically incorrect” (Michelle Goldberg, The New York Times). As an American raised for a time in Egypt, and finding herself captivated by the story of a celebrated Egyptian belly…

It is common for teachers and students of education to feel disheartened about the profession and their own aims and purposes once they become conscious of the dehumanizing tendencies of the schooling institution. As teacher educators, we have also…

As the Latino/a population increases externalizing behaviors among adolescents continue to concern researchers and clinicians. National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) data were used to analyze direct and indirect effects of…

Literacies under neoliberalism
This chapter aims to provide an overview of neoliberalism’s impact on literacy education—how it intersects with ethnonationalism to produce new configurations of inequality and discrimination along old lines of ethno-linguistic and racial difference.…

Khang, Tran, Linear Combinations of Polynomials-1.jpg
We study the zero distribution of the sum of the first n polynomials satisfying a three-term recurrence whose coefficients are linear polynomials. We also extend this sum to a linear combination, whose coefficients are powers of az + b for a, b ∈ R,…

Let’s build a fast car
In the block area, two preschoolers, Lili and Russel, are searching through a box of Lego bricks to fifind ideal pieces for their constructions. “Look what I have found!” Lili dangles her discovery in front of Russel—a pair of wheels with a metal…
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