Browse Items (356 total)

An important goal in researching the biology of olfaction is to link the perception of smells to the chemistry of odorants. In other words, why do some odorants smell like fruits and others like flowers? While the so-called stimulus-percept issue was…

In this essay, I argue for Chicanx feminist theories as an optimal domain for the ontological insights of border identities in the process of constructing knowledge, and more specifically in the development of communication theory. Because Chicanx…

Petrography of mélange matrix and clastic sedimentary rocks in coastal California reveals the occurrence of detrital serpentine and detrital asbestiform sodic amphibole (glaucophane). Many sandstones of the Franciscan Complex have small amounts of…

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Early development of emotion regulation plays a vital role in children’s school readiness and later academic success. Most studies on toddlers’ emotion regulation are laboratory-based and correlational research. Little attention has been paid to…

In this work, we use molecular dynamics (MD) simulations coupled with continuum-based theoretical analysis to study the coalescence dynamics of two equal-sized nanobubbles (NBs). We first derive a governing equation for the evolution of the capillary…

This article explains a mixed methods study utilizing multiple cases in which answers to the question of how cognitive learning theory can influence instruction that maintains the central role that teachers have in the classroom, responding to…

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This case study looks at augmented reality (AR) flashcards used in a university-level classroom. The collaborative design effort used RtD and pulled from the outcomes of three prior case studies using AR in the classroom. This poster focuses on the…

Combined measurements of Higgs boson production cross sections and branching fractions are presented. The combination is based on the analyses of the Higgs boson decay modes H→γγ, ZZ*, WW*, ττ, bb¯, μμ, searches for decays into invisible final…

In this paper we correct previous work on magnetic charge plus a photon mass. We show that contrary to previous claims this system has a very simple, closed form solution which is the Dirac string potential multiplied by a exponential decaying part.…

Conceptualizing digital campus climate within LGBTQ+ resource center websites
The emergence of university LGBTQ+ resources over the last couple of decades indicates promising movement toward fuller engagement of minoritized students in higher education. Despite this growth, LGBTQ+ communities continue to experience…

Both nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are routinely used in understanding the conformational space sampled by peptides in the solution state. To investigate the role of single-residue change in the ensemble of…

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Many claims about the prevalence of phonetic voicing in English obstruents have been made in the literature over the decades, particularly concerning the stops and affricate [b, d, ɡ, ʤ]. An examination of this literature reveals that many of these…

Honorable mention, IPA International Photo Awards 2021

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Engagement with counselors has been documented to positively impact the success of male students of color in community colleges. However, there is limited understanding of this engagement experience from the counselor perspective. This study…

Critical literacy and contemporary literatures
At the heart of this chapter is a call for teachers, academics and researchers to understand and investigate the relationship between critical literacy, fictionality, meaning making and power, in order to undertake, promote and illustrate the…

Cross-linguistic influence (CLI) is a commonly observed phenomenon that influences an individual’s ability to perceive, comprehend and speak in a second language (L2). As phonemic inventories differ across languages and dialects, cross-linguistic…

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MUC16 is a membrane bound glycoprotein involved in the progression and metastasis of pancreatic and ovarian cancer. The protein is shed into the serum and the resulting cancer antigen 125 (CA125) can be detected by immunoassays. The CA125 epitope is…

Data from two cohorts of individuals, one born in the 1920s and the other in the 1950s, all members of the Intergenerational Studies, a longitudinal study begun in 1929 in Berkeley and Oakland, California, were investigated to explore intraindividual…

Culture, gender, and feminist institutionalism
Institutional economics is a sociocultural discipline and policy science which draws on the idea that economies are best understood through an appreciation of history, real-world institutions, and socioeconomic interrelations. This book brings…

Given the growing interest and representation of superheroes in comics and other media, we are interested in the ways young people read superhero texts and how those readings influence their conceptualisations of gender within and outside educational…
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