Browse Items (356 total)

This study is a comprehensive acoustic description and analysis of the six vowels /i e a u o ɔ/ in the Towet dialect of the Papuan language Nungon ⟨yuw⟩ of northeastern Papua New Guinea. Vowel tokens were extracted from a corpus of audio speech…

English L2 Reading: Getting to the Bottom uses research-based insights to examine bottom-up skills in reading English as a second language. This fourth edition clearly presents core concepts alongside their practical applications to teaching…

Situating Native American Studies and Red Feminisms
This essay aims to show that serious and robust engagement with Native American Studies and Red feminist research, methods, and theories contribute to the epistemological core of Ethnic Studies and produce new and important understandings of…

In this paper, we study American sign language (ASL) hand gesture recognition using Doppler radar. A set of ASL hand gesture motions are captured as micro- Doppler signals using a microwave X-band Doppler radar transceiver. We apply joint…

In this letter, we investigate the sequence estimation problem of faster-than-Nyquist (FTN) signaling as a promising approach for increasing spectral efficiency (SE) in future communication systems. In doing so, we exploit the concept of Gaussian…

The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is an emerging research framework, with network and graph theories as two of the major fields. Researchers in these topics use a variety of tools and approaches to simulate and perform experimentation on their proposed…

The Gaussian normal bases (GNBs) recommended by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for the five binary extension fields of the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA), are self-dual. Multiplication, is a complex, and…

Given the growing interest and representation of superheroes in comics and other media, we are interested in the ways young people read superhero texts and how those readings influence their conceptualisations of gender within and outside educational…

Bridge Monitoring Using a Digital Camera: Photogrammetry-Based Bridge Dynamic Deformation Monitoring
Monitoring the health of bridges uses various sensors and techniques and provides quantitative and reliable data on the condition of bridges. Among measurable quantities, vibration induced by traffic loads has been known as a good indicator of the…

Enhancement of UAV-based Spatial Positioning Using the Triangular Center Method with Multiple GPS
Recently, a technique for acquiring spatial information data using UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) has been greatly developed. It is a very crucial issue of the GIS (Geographic Information System) mapping system that passes way point in the unmanned…

UAV Photogrammetry Systems
This article evaluates UAV photogrammetry systems using smartphones and smart cameras. Image triangulation was conducted in accordance with interior orientation parameters, determined by camera self-calibration. Precise orthomosaic images and digital…

A mathematical model was developed to study the voltage behavior of LixNi0.5Mn1.5O4(LNMO) electrode at particle scale. The phase transition process of Li1 → Li0.5 → Li1 in spinel LNMO was modeled by Avrami equation, which was incorporated into…

The voltage behavior of the LixNi0.5Mn1.5O4 (LNMO) electrode was studied in this work. A thin-layer LNMO electrode was prepared for testing in a coin cell format where lithium metal was used as the counter electrode. A series of charge and discharge…

Combined measurements of Higgs boson production cross sections and branching fractions are presented. The combination is based on the analyses of the Higgs boson decay modes H→γγ, ZZ*, WW*, ττ, bb¯, μμ, searches for decays into invisible final…

In the multiethnic, multicultural, and multilingual setting of contemporary Spanish America, the Bildungsroman has evolved to incorporate contestatory features necessary to address the tensions inherent in a region where hybridity and plurality are…

Keto–enol tautomerism is a fundamental concept that examines the migration of a proton between two constitutional isomers, the keto and enol tautomer. Many experiments have been proposed to understand the concept behind Meyer’s Rule, which states…

Investors have different trade size preferences depending on their information advantage. Using intermarket sweep orders (ISOs), we find that investors appear to prefer using small, round lot trades around corporate events with higher announcement…

Does more lobbying by more interest groups, especially groups representing a state’s largest business sector, lead to greater spending and debt? Or does the blame really rest with state lawmakers and their political parties, which compete to attract…

As the accounting profession is rapidly changing, faculty members are challenged with the task of incorporating emerging advances into the accounting curriculum in order to equip students for future success. There is little debate that cryptocurrency…

This paper considers the production planning problem of a firm that produces a single product using a process that has multiple production lines (or machines) in parallel, each with a finite production capacity. Specifically, the firm has m parallel…
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