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2021 HammonsRobart Family food environ during COVID.jpg
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic, with its cyclical lockdown restrictions and school closures, has influenced family life. The home, work, and school environments have collided and merged to form a new normal for many families. This merging extends…

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Around the world, intercultural contact prompted by modern globalization has reconstituted private dimensions of people’s lives. One such private dimension that has been significantly reshaped is that of kinship networks, due in part to the…

Fifty Years Later—The Fresno Feminist Art Program and Nobody Promised You Tomorrow
Nobody Promised You Tomorrow: Art 50 Years After Stonewall commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall Uprising—a six-day clash between police and civilians ignited by a routine raid on the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York…

Flipping the script
Even in online and distance formats, multimodal composition can be a means of sustaining culture and engaging children. The Teach Us project combines multimodal composition, family cultural resources, and student voice.

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Cats who engage in aggression in animal shelters may be less likely to be adopted and are at risk for euthanasia. Currently, the best methods for reducing aggressive behavior exhibited by cats are unclear. Functional analysis (FA) is an assessment…

Funds of knowledge in making
Despite the growth of the Maker Movement, few studies have examined what learning opportunities in teacher education programs facilitate preservice teachers’ understanding of inclusive making for students from diverse backgrounds. This study explored…

Guest editors’ introduction
Firstly, thank you for reading this special issue of English Teaching: Practice and Critique. This was a project conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic; we are thankful to have had the ability to work online and stay connected as colleagues and to be…

Viruses have drawn significant scientific interest from a wide variety of disciplines beyond virology because of their elegant architectures and delicately balanced activities. A virus-like particle (VLP), a noninfectious protein cage derived from…

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Populations of insects can differ in how sensitive their development, growth, and performance are to environmental conditions such as temperature and daylength. The environmental sensitivity of development can alter phenology (seasonal timing) and…

Home Skilled
Like language, math, and science, SEL can be practiced and mastered—even in socially distanced or hybrid settings.

House price capitalization of stormwater retention basins
We extend the literature on the impact of stormwater retention basins on house prices and time on the market. Our results indicate that properties located closer to a basin sell at a discount relative to properties located farther away, but the…

Household sorting as adaptation to hurricane risk
We employ a structural model of location choice to estimate household sorting across the U.S. in response to hurricane risk. Using spatially detailed projections of future hurricane energy, we simulate regional population shifts and welfare impacts…

The paper examines Housing First (HF) policy in the context of Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act ([HEARTH], 2009) using a policy analysis framework. The analysis follows Ginsberg and Miller-Cribbs’ (2005) common…

Venita Blackburn’s characters bully and suffer, spit and tease, mope and blame. They’re hyperaware of their bodies and fiercely observant, fending off the failures and advances of adults with indifferent ease. In “Biology Class,” they torment a…

In the storm of COVID-19
Using open-ended questions, this study surveyed over 450 undergraduate students to gain insights into their perceptions of the virtual learning environment due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Results reveal the rapid transition of most courses to online…

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Drawing on field evaluation surveys, this qualitative case study explored one BSW senior cohort’s (N = 29) perceived characteristics for successful completion of field, experience with field supervisor, and positive aspects of and concerns related to…

To accomplish the goal of a more highly educated nursing workforce, academic nursing has supported a significant increase in the number of RN to BSN programs. The focus of educating practicing registered nurses is moving toward revising and designing…

Honorable mention, 2021 Tokyo International Foto Awards

Let’s build a fast car
In the block area, two preschoolers, Lili and Russel, are searching through a box of Lego bricks to fifind ideal pieces for their constructions. “Look what I have found!” Lili dangles her discovery in front of Russel—a pair of wheels with a metal…

Khang, Tran, Linear Combinations of Polynomials-1.jpg
We study the zero distribution of the sum of the first n polynomials satisfying a three-term recurrence whose coefficients are linear polynomials. We also extend this sum to a linear combination, whose coefficients are powers of az + b for a, b ∈ R,…
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