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Apart from the president’s family, arguably no one was closer to Abraham Lincoln during his tenure in the White House than John George Nicolay. A German immigrant with a keen intelligence and tenacious work ethic, Nicolay (1832-1901) served as…

Joss Whedon has created numerous TV series, movies, comics and one sing-along-blog, all of which focus on societal problems in the metaphorical guise of monsters-of-the-week and over-arching big-bads.The present work examines structural violence…

Keto–enol tautomerism is a fundamental concept that examines the migration of a proton between two constitutional isomers, the keto and enol tautomer. Many experiments have been proposed to understand the concept behind Meyer’s Rule, which states…

Learning how to name chemical compounds is a critical feature of chemistry that many students often find challenging. Naming compounds requires both an understanding of the conventions and language of chemistry. Common strategies used to improve…

As the Latino/a population increases externalizing behaviors among adolescents continue to concern researchers and clinicians. National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) data were used to analyze direct and indirect effects of…

It is common for teachers and students of education to feel disheartened about the profession and their own aims and purposes once they become conscious of the dehumanizing tendencies of the schooling institution. As teacher educators, we have also…

In this letter, we investigate the sequence estimation problem of faster-than-Nyquist (FTN) signaling as a promising approach for increasing spectral efficiency (SE) in future communication systems. In doing so, we exploit the concept of Gaussian…

Using the setting of chaebol industrial organizations in Korea, which allows for the study of a unique affiliation between a chaebol group and financial analysts, we examine whether investors react to an optimistic bias in affiliated analysts’…

Cohesionless soils such as sandy or silty soils are more susceptible to landslides, slope failures, and erosion in comparison with cohesive soils containing clayey fraction. While vegetation roots are known to provide erosion resistance, shear…

Background: Yoga is a popular alternative to walking, but the tempo at which asanas must be performed to elicit comparable metabolic and cardiorespiratory demands is unknown. Therefore, the authors aim to compare the metabolic demands of…

Public opinion regarding genetic control of infectious disease vectors such as mosquitoes varies in part because the underlying risk and benefit perceptions about novel gene editing and genetic engineering (GE) techniques are multi-faceted. We…

Current approaches to quantum gravity suggest there should be a modification of the standard quantum mechanical commutator, [x^,p^]=iℏ. Typical modifications are phenomenological and designed to result in a minimal length scale. As a motivating…

In quantum gravity it is generally thought that a modified commutator of the form [xˆ,pˆ]=iħ(1+βp2) is sufficient to give rise to a minimum length scale. We test this assumption and find that different pairs of modified operators can lead to the same…

The Gaussian normal bases (GNBs) recommended by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for the five binary extension fields of the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA), are self-dual. Multiplication, is a complex, and…

β-N-methyl-amino-L-alanine (BMAA) in the presence of bicarbonate (HCO3−) undergoes structural modifications generating two carbamate species, α-carbamate and β-carbamate forms of BMAA. The chemical structure of BMAA and BMAA-carbamate adducts…

Creation of a classroom environment safe enough for students to expess their perspectives, hear classmates views and engage in classroom dialogue remains a major challenge in social work teaching. Intergroup dialogue and Theatre of the Oppressed are…

The voltage behavior of the LixNi0.5Mn1.5O4 (LNMO) electrode was studied in this work. A thin-layer LNMO electrode was prepared for testing in a coin cell format where lithium metal was used as the counter electrode. A series of charge and discharge…

A mathematical model was developed to study the voltage behavior of LixNi0.5Mn1.5O4(LNMO) electrode at particle scale. The phase transition process of Li1 → Li0.5 → Li1 in spinel LNMO was modeled by Avrami equation, which was incorporated into…

Pedro de Urdemalas, the main protagonist of Cervantes's play of the same name, has been extensively studied as a Protean figure due to his malleability to adapt to the various professions and masks he adopts throughout the comedia. This essay…

One approach to support students with ASD in general education classrooms is peer-mediated instruction and intervention (PMII). PMII is an evidence-based practice in which peers serve to support both the academic achievement and social-skill…
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